Friday, September 24, 2010

ASL LLC gets an exciting new addition.

The ASL LLC is off to a great start and this week past week we welcomed a new floor-mate. Mohammed comes to us from Kuwait, and this is his very first time in the US. Everyone was very excited to learn we would be receiving a new resident and we welcomed him with open arms. The students spent a long time researching Kuwait's customs to make Mohammed feel right at home. He is going to be studying English as a second language for 4 months here at UWM.
He has come a long way to be with us.
It seems that this semester will be very educational for everyone! The LLC students will get to learn about a foreign culture and teach about their culture. They have already stepped up to teach me a little about signing culture. Coming in to this semester, I did not know anything about sign language or Deaf Culture but I have already learned so much from these students. For instance have a learned several signs like "nice to meet you", "understand", "girl", "boy" and several others. I have also learned how close people are in Deaf community. When you are part of the Deaf society, you automatically have friends and a family no matter where you are solely based on your similar experiences with the signing community.

I have learned so much from the ASL LLC residents and cant wait to learn more from them and from Mohammed. I'm confident he will return to Kuwait having had a very special experience here in the US.

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