Monday, September 27, 2010

OUR Highlighted

A lot is happening in the Lab Rats' LLC these days. In class, they are working on visiting various research labs around campus - mine included. Besides being an RA in West, I'm also an RA (Research Assistant) in Dr. Mosack's Patient Advocacy and Research Lab here on campus (a psychology lab). Right now the study that I'm involved in researches how patients with HIV and diagnosed depression can adhere to their HIV medications and how their HIV affects their depression. It's pretty deep stuff! Another study that I was involved in for the lab researched bisexual identity development among college-aged women. I got in the lab the first semester of my sophomore year and I am very glad I got my foot in the door as early as I did.

In the spirit of Undergraduate Research, I would like to highlight the Office for Undergraduate Research, or OUR, since it affects so many students who will read this. The OUR describes itself as  "a centralized location for undergraduates seeking on-campus research opportunities and faculty seeking enthusiastic, motivated undergraduate students with whom to collaborate." (Taken from the OUR homepage).

Students can even visit this link,, to start creating their own research profile and apply for credit in a research lab.

Another resource that the OUR website provides is a list of roughly 90 research projects that are happening on campus right now: If you are interested in getting involved in Undergraduate Research, skim through these studies too see what floats your boat. You never know where you might end up!

I really can't stress enough how important it is to start early in your undergraduate research experience. I have always been the youngest assistant in my lab, which means by the time I graduate, I'll have the most experience out of everyone - which looks awesome on my curriculum vitae and graduate school applications!

I'm really glad I got the opportunity to push the Lab Rats into undergraduate research and get them started in some labs right now!

OUR homepage:
OUR facebook page:

Check it out!

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