Thursday, October 28, 2010

Talk to the Hands!

The ASL LLC is talking it up! We had some lively conversation in our "Lets Spread Deaf Culture in the Res Halls" event about what it is like to live in the residence halls as a Deaf Resident or as a member of the LLC. As a deaf student they get special strobe light fire alarms to wake them up or let them know there is a fire and we always have our closed captions on our TV in our lounge and in most residents rooms. These are things that most floors usually don't have or do, but why not? The LLC is not the only place in the residence hall that has deaf residents.
When we asked our LLC residents what they think the everyday person should know about Deaf people they said, first you need to know deaf people are just like everyone else, completely equal. They are capable of many of the same things as a hearing person. One resident said that when interview for jobs deaf people are often treated differently and looked at as being less capable, but our LLC would like you all to know that this is most definitely not true. When it comes to communicating with a deaf person no matter how loud you yell, cant hear you, and not all deaf people can lip read. When it comes down to it, the best way is to write.
The ASL LLC also has some great ideas as to how to make our residence halls of Deaf-friendly. Some ideas we hope to see become a reality in the near future are: Closed Captions on the movies in Flicks, and Interpreters at tower/complex wide events.

I encourage all of you to come and hang out on West 2 and get to know this very friendly and funny bunch! you will learn a lot and make some great friend! You all are always welcome here to come and Talk to the Hands!

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