Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Transfer LLC

It's a busy time of year for transfer students (well, all students for that matter) here at UWM. A few weeks ago, RA Brianna and I (RA Erika) brought in the Career Development Center (CDC) for an event in Sandburg. This event was extremely successful as we learned that many of our residents are still trying to find a career and academic path. The CDC was able to provide the transfer residents with information regarding the majors, minors, and certificates that UWM offers its students. In addition, the CDC also provided the residents with information about taking surveys to find your best fit, career wise and academically.

For the month of October, RA Brianna and I are planned an event with the UWM Police Department. This event was a self defense class. The intent of it was help guide the residents as to how to be safe and it provided the opportunity for them to learn how to be more socially responsible. Below is a picture of what the participants had a chance to do. The officers taught the participants different hits or "strikes" for situations. Those who attended got to practice those strikes on the red "people" held up by the officers. In addition, the officers gave preventative tips and safety advice.

Brianna and I are both very pleased with how the Transfer LLC is doing this year. There are many relationships and memories that are being built between the floors. If anyone has any questions or concerns, feel free to contact RA Brianna or me.


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