Thursday, February 2, 2017

HH2 Winter Updates

 Hello Everyone,

November has been a busy month. Luckily we got a well-needed break. For everyone who enrolled in classes earlier in the month, I hope you were able sign up for the things you needed. Please see the advisors if you had any difficulty or have any questions. As far as activities, we had a bowling night recently at the Union Rec Center. We had a good turn out and it was a lot of fun. Keep an eye out for a couple more events before the year is done.

            In the next month things should quiet down as finals come around. Make sure to keep yourselves healthy during this time. With the break ahead we will have a floor meeting to discuss how to “winterize” the suites. It is important that everyone attends, and there will be information posted around the floor. With finals coming up, keep your eyes open around campus for stress relief events and food; there will be a lot of it. I will be seeing everyone more than usual this month; so don’t hesitate to have questions ready. I hope everyone makes it through finals with ease so you can enjoy your winter break to the fullest. 

-Hunter, RA

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