Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Social Justice LLC Update

Hello world!

We're nearly at the halfway point of October, I can't believe it! It still feels like Fall Welcome was just yesterday. The Social Justice LLC has been up to some fun things in the past month and a half; our first event began with fun little competition as residents were in groups and had to brainstorm why the color of paper they were given was the best color.

In the end, our winner was orange. Why? They only had one reason for their's was the best:
Because Charizard, that's why!
Following this activity, we talked about how there will be plenty of times when we come into contact with people trying to argue points that are different to ours, and to keep in mind that respect and understanding are key in maintaining an inclusive community. Did I mention there were cupcakes and cookies, too? :)

A few of us also went to Camp Minikani and participated in the UWM Leadership Retreat. We learned a ton about how to be a better leader, how to get involved on campus, and met lots of new people and had many good times. 

What's up next for the Social Justice LLC? Check back next month and find out!

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