Monday, February 9, 2015

Ready for Some Spring Social Justice!

Welcome back Social Justice LLC!

Can you believe we are already into our 3rd week of spring semester? I hope everyone had a wonderful winter break and is ready for another semester at UWM. RA Jen and I have planned some great events for the spring that I hope you'll all be ready to engage in.

I know many of us ended fall semester hoping we could've made some better decisions to get the grades that we wanted. Thankfully, we can look to spring semester as a new start. PASS will be coming to our lounge today to talk about tutoring and SI options, and Jen and I will also be talking about study tips and how to time manage. Also, tomorrow we will be making Valentine's Day cards to send to the elderly and children in the hospital.

Later in the semester, we'll be engaging with the Peer Health Educators to talk about things like responsible decision making and stress management. Also, in the future, are trips to the Urban Ecology Center and Feeding America to learn more about non-profit business management and some of the problems facing our Milwaukee community.

I hope we all can look forward to another semester exploring social issues and engaging in the community to make a difference in the lives of those around us. Stay tuned for more updates from the Social Justice LLC!

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