Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Social Justice LLC class: Multicultural America 150

As the peer mentor for the Social Justice LLC it has been a great experience being able to observe and interact with the students this in class. Multicultural America 150 has been a class in which the students have been able to freely express their ideas and knowledge. As well as teaching the students how to critically question history and its relevance that it plays in today society. Multicultural America 150 consisted of looking at history through the experience of immigrants, the poor, and those fighting for their rights.

Professor Smith does an excellent job in creating an environment where the students seem to feel comfortable in wanting to participate. There is always room for the students to express their ideas, and ask questions. This course prepares students to have a sense of how a college course is and how to develop a more analytical way of thinking, reading, writing and questioning. The dynamics of the course, students, and Professor Smith is truly unique.
Professor Robert Smith

Another special component of this course is that it has service-learning. Service-learning engages students in community projects that are related to the course content, and then reflect on the experience in class discussion or through written work.  All of the students have selected their service-learning locations to be a places such as The Black Holocaust Museum, Americas Civil Liberties Union, and the Jewish Home and Care Center among many other service-learning opportunities that the students volunteer their time.

Professor Smith encourages students to push themselves, not only in his course but as a person. He emphasizes the importance of their academics, but also as a member of the Milwaukee community. Encouraging them to get to know Milwaukee and its history and current state of being in order for them to make it a better Milwaukee.

-Yoselin Colorado 

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