Monday, December 17, 2012

The End of the Beginning- Honors LLC Semester in Review

Hey ya'll

Ready for my last post of the semester? I can't believe it is already that time of the year...peppermint hot chocolate, ice skating and, of course, FINALS! It feels like just yesterday that I was sitting in the lounge helping everyone move in, when I didn't know who anyone was and was excited (and nervous) for the year to begin. I still remember Aaron Davis being the first one to sit down in the lounge and talk to me (I'm not sure if he knew I was the RA ;) and now I feel like I've really gotten to know him.

I don't know how I can go about describing this semester in one blog post. So here's a question:

We won the Halloween decorating contest!
What do you get when you pair 30 freshmen with 1 first year RA? A lot of mistakes and a lot of learning. 

I have so much about people, the Honors college, life and "the college experience" that I ever thought I would. I think my residents, without speaking for them, have learned (or in the process of learning) what it means to be a successful member of a larger community; we have gone through a lot of stuff together but we have also had a lot of fun. 

I am thankful to have Mentor Molly, Advisor Shannon, and Supervisor Sarah by my side this semester. We planned some great events together and they have stuck by me 100% - I couldn't have done it without them (as cliche as that sounds, it's true, ask them!)

Working together to decorate for Halloween
I wish everyone the best of luck with finals and I can't wait until next semester! Bring it on!

This is RA-nnah, signing off for now :)

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