Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Communication and Conflict Outstanding Residents

     We have many great students in our LLC that contribute to our community. They have really gotten to know each other over the past couple of weeks and have actually confessed that they are excited for class and to be able to tell their stories during our biweekly “check-ins.” These check-ins are a way for the mentor, instructor, and students to get to know each other better through telling stories of the past week. Outside of these check-ins, they frequently get together to work on homework for our course and always come back with interesting stories of what has been happening on their floor. While I could not just select one student to cover for this blog, I can tell you about some of our great characters.

     Nate is always questioning the status quo as well as the meaning of many things in our course. When setting our course expectations, he pushed the group to define the idea of respect so that we could honor each person’s own definition of the word. Residents can learn from Nate not to just accept things for how they are, but always push for improvements and clarification.

     Charlie is a light-hearted participant in class. He is always there to make fellow students laugh and look at the bright side of the situation. Always noticeable by hair and skateboard, Charlie puts a smile on my face every day in class. He always reminds me not to take life so seriously and look for the humor in life’s small moments.

     All and all, our LLC would be nothing without our great students and their personality and our students can say that the best. Nolan said this of the Communication and Conflict LLC; “The setup of the classroom was the first thing that caught my eye.  With one glance, everything I thought I knew about a college classroom setting was shattered.  I am excited that the class is unconventional and that there are strong personalities (in the group).” Couldn't have said it better myself. 

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