Friday, October 30, 2015

Art & Design LLC

The LLC students are having a great start to the school year here at UWM. As first year art students they are required to take specific foundational classes. These classes are Art Survey, Drawing 101 and then their 2D and 3D LLC requirement and finally Digital 118. Firstly, Art Survey is an introduction to the visual arts disciplines and contemporary art concerns. Students have been enjoying Josie’s approach to introducing so much material they find the class fun and inviting. Along side this in Drawing 101 the students are learning fundamental drawing techniques and skills that will flow them into other studio practices on campus. Finally, Digital 118 is an introduction to digital arts, focusing on historical and cultural contexts, theoretical concepts and studio skills using imaging software. This is taught through a lecture and lab class throughout the week with weekly assignments and a midterm and final project. 

Being that it is already October the students have now experienced their first couple college critiques of their art work. These critiques usually run the length of the studio art class and they engage in deep conversation about the individual pieces of work. This is the time where students get to explain their own creative process and what the works meant to them as they produced it as well as the peers to explain how they interpret the work themselves. The most recent critiques have been from 2D and 3D which was a paper sculpture, line dynamics and a positive and negative cut out piece. Currently in the LLC class students are working on a plaster sculpture where the students are to derive inspiration from bio-morphic forms and then a collage with ties to a social justice issue. 

- Peer Mentor Devin

Hey everyone, this is RA Joe. 
September was an exciting month in the Art and Design LLC!

On September 26th we participated in the GE Design and Build Challenge at the Milwaukee Maker Faire! At this event where we formed a team of residents and were given the task to build a device to transport a brain with. The team was provided tools, a junk pile and 3 hours to design and build their creation to run through an obstacle course. Although our team did not win the challenge, a great time was had by all and I give our team my own personal award for best design. 

The LLC's creation

This month the Art and Design LLC had quite a few exciting events. On Friday October 16th, Milwaukee Gallery night took place and I took residents down to the Third Ward to experience that. Many exhibitions including the Crossing Over exhibition and the of student work in the Union Art Gallery and the Faculty Exhibition in the Arts Center Gallery on campus will be opening and the LLC residents will be encouraged to go and check our their peers' and professors' artwork. Additionally on October 28th the LLC took a trip to the Lynden Sculpture Garden here in Milwaukee. 

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